Al-Quran English Tran. Pickthal, Chapter: 79, Al Nazaat

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Book Id: 10100

Al-Quran English Tran. Pickthal

Chapter: 79, Al Nazaat

79-1 : In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. By those who drag forth to destruction,
79-2 : By the meteors rushing,
79-3 : By the lone stars floating,
79-4 : By the angels hastening,
79-5 : And those who govern the event,
79-6 : On the day when the first trump resoundeth.
79-7 : And the second followeth it,
79-8 : On that day hearts beat painfully
79-9 : While eyes are downcast
79-10 : (Now) they are saying: Shall we really be restored to our first state
79-11 : Even after we are crumbled bones ?
79-12 : They say: Then that would be a vain proceeding.
79-13 : Surely it will need but one shout,
79-14 : And lo! they will be awakened.
79-15 : Hath there come unto thee the history of Moses ?
79-16 : How his Lord called him in the holy vale of Tuwa,
79-17 : (Saying:) Go thou unto Pharaoh - Lo! he hath rebelled -
79-18 : And say (unto him): Hast thou (will) to grow (in grace) ?
79-19 : Then I will guide thee to thy Lord and thou shalt fear (Him).
79-20 : And he showed him the tremendous token.
79-21 : But he denied and disobeyed,
79-22 : Then turned he away in haste,
79-23 : Then gathered he and summoned
79-24 : And proclaimed: "I (Pharaoh) am your Lord the Highest."
79-25 : So Allah seized him (and made him) an example for the after (life) and for the former.
79-26 : Lo! herein is indeed a lesson for him who feareth.
79-27 : Are ye the harder to create, or is the heaven that He built ?
79-28 : He raised the height thereof and ordered it;
79-29 : And He made dark the night thereof, and He brought forth the morn thereof.
79-30 : And after that He spread the earth,
79-31 : And produced therefrom the water thereof and the pasture thereof,
79-32 : And He made fast the hills,
79-33 : A provision for you and for your cattle.
79-34 : But when the great disaster cometh,
79-35 : The day when man will call to mind his (whole) endeavour,
79-36 : And hell will stand forth visible to him who seeth,
79-37 : Then, as for him who rebelled
79-38 : And chose the life of the world,
79-39 : Lo! hell will be his home.
79-40 : But as for him who feared to stand before his Lord and restrained his soul from lust,
79-41 : Lo! the Garden will be his home.
79-42 : They ask thee of the Hour: when will it come to port ?
79-43 : Why (ask they) ? What hast thou to tell thereof ?
79-44 : Unto thy Lord belongeth (knowledge of) the term thereof.
79-45 : Thou art but a warner unto him who feareth it.
79-46 : On the day when they behold it, it will be as if they had but tarried for an evening or the morn thereof.