Al-Quran English Tran. Saheeh International, Chapter: 100, Al Adiyat

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Book Id: 10080

Al-Quran English Tran. Saheeh International

Chapter: 100, Al Adiyat

100-1 : By the racers, panting,
100-2 : And the producers of sparks [when] striking
100-3 : And the chargers at dawn,
100-4 : Stirring up thereby [clouds of] dust,
100-5 : Arriving thereby in the center collectively,
100-6 : Indeed mankind, to his Lord, is ungrateful.
100-7 : And indeed, he is to that a witness.
100-8 : And indeed he is, in love of wealth, intense.
100-9 : But does he not know that when the contents of the graves are scattered
100-10 : And that within the breasts is obtained,
100-11 : Indeed, their Lord with them, that Day, is [fully] Acquainted.